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Which Way Should Solar Panels Face? Orientation Explained

Writer's picture: Laura AllissLaura Alliss
Best orientation for solar panels

It goes without saying that solar panels are most effective when they are positioned in a location which allows them to receive optimal levels of direct sunlight. So, where you choose to place your solar panels will determine the cost-effectiveness of your investment and the energy output you can expect to receive. 

To ensure you make the best choice for your property in the UK, here’s everything you need to know about solar panel placement and how it can impact the energy efficiency of your property.

Directional Efficiency 

For properties in the UK, solar panels that are located on a south-facing roof are able to produce the greatest amount of energy because they receive maximum levels of sunlight throughout the day. 

However, you can still benefit from solar panels if you don’t have a south-facing roof. Green Business Watch calculated that south-east and south-west-facing solar panel installations typically generate 94% of the energy generated by a south-facing installation. 

Solar panels can also perform well on an east-facing or a west-facing roof, provided they receive a solid amount of sunlight for a good percentage of the day. Installations on either an east or a west-facing roof will benefit from optimising technology, which essentially works by micromanaging each solar panel to ensure that shaded panels aren’t impacting output from other panels that are in the sunlight. A good quality solar panel installation on an east or a west-facing roof can expect to generate around 80% of a south-facing installation’s energy output. 

A north-facing roof is the least favourable choice for solar panels because the amount of sunlight they will receive is very limited. However, although energy output will be limited, it is still possible to install solar panels on a north-facing roof provided that they can be positioned at a steep angle in order to capture as much reflected and indirect light as possible. It’s important to work with an experienced and trusted solar panel installer if you have a north-facing roof, as they will be best placed to determine whether your roof is suitable for solar panels and discuss potential alternatives if required.


Now, let’s take a closer look at why the angle at which solar panels are installed can make a difference to overall energy output. 

Tilt Angle Explained 

The angle at which solar panels are pitched will also affect the amount of sunlight they will receive. While there aren’t any arguments surrounding the best directional placement for solar panels, a lot more discussion surrounds the optimal tilt angle. 

Solar panels perform best when they are faced directly towards the sun in the middle part of the day throughout the summer months. So, it is generally recommended to ensure your solar panels are tilted at an angle which equals your latitude. 

It’s worth highlighting here that as the sun sits lower in the sky throughout the autumn and winter months, this positioning will make your panels marginally less effective in the latter half of the year. For this reason, some homeowners instead choose to install solar panels at a tilt angle that sits between their latitude angle and their latitude angle + 15 degrees.

In the UK, positioning solar panels within 30 degrees to 45 degrees of your property’s latitude will provide you with solid energy production all year round. It is worth spending some time working with your solar panel installer to determine the most optimal angle for your solar panels, which should be informed by your location and the energy output you hope to achieve. 

Here at Green Flare, our team exercises their unparalleled experience when evaluating each property to determine the best installation orientation for every solar panel project we install. During this process, we will take time to understand your unique energy needs and expectations, ensuring that you receive the best outcome for your investment. 

Roof Considerations 

Solar panel installations are only recommended for properties with at least 15 square metres of available space, however 20 square metres is considered ideal for a small system. Larger solar panel systems are able to produce more energy but will require additional space. 

Crucially, simply owning a south-facing roof isn’t enough to guarantee your property’s suitability for solar panels because shading from trees or surrounding buildings can impact the potential efficiency of your installation. So, it can be beneficial to look at your roof at different points throughout the day to see whether there are any areas of shade that may reduce the efficiency of your solar panels. If you do observe some shaded areas, make a note of their location and reach out to some trusted installers to discuss the viability and scope of your solar panel project. 


Is tilt angle or direction most important when positioning solar panels? 

While tilt angle is important to consider, the direction your solar panels point will make the most significant difference to the energy output you can expect.

Do solar panels need to be placed on my roof? 

Provided that you have adequate external space, it is also possible to install solar panels on free-standing frames in your garden. Ground solar panels can be positioned facing any direction and angle, however, it’s important to note that energy generation can be limited by a number of factors including shading from structures or trees in the surrounding area.

install solar panels on free-standing frames in your garden

Can I install solar panels on a flat roof? 

Yes, installing solar panels on a flat roof is possible, but not all installers have the capability or resources to do so. At Green Flare, we have access to industry-leading solar technology, such as ESDEC, Schletter and GSE mounting systems, allowing our skilled engineers to fit efficient solar panels on every type of roof. Pitched, flat, gabled, hipped; we pride ourselves on designing innovative solutions for any property. Get in touch to discuss our commercial and residential solutions.

install solar panels on a flat roof

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